Lead Gen & Filtering

Utilizing decades of experience in paid traffic in all the major social media outlets including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok. We generate high quality leads that have been manually filtered and qualified by a real-live actual human being and are then transferred in real time on the phone to you (customer).

Our filtration process gives you the ability to set the parameters for the qualification of each lead and know that we are doing the tedious work of evaluating each lead to make sure they fit parameters as a potential client.

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Live Call Que Custom CRM

Proprietary Custom CRM

Using a custom CRM we provide full transparency and accountability during all phases and steps of lead confirmation qualification process.

Unlike our competitors, we never share leads between customers. Our customers own their own leads, and all leads are readily available and accessed through our custom CRM.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn how you can stop wasting time sorting through the crap leads and start to focus ONLY on the GOLDEN LEADS.